Lesson 2: Point-by-Point Organization Method & Introduction

Estimated Time: 35 minutes

Lesson Objective: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to create an outline for a Compare and Contrast essay

Organization: Point by point + your introduction

The structure of a typical compare and contrast essay can change depending on the pattern it takes. Pattern types include the point-by-point pattern and the block pattern. With the point-by-point pattern, the essay will contain five paragraphs including the introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. In the case of the block pattern, essays will usually be four paragraphs long and will consist of an introduction, two body paragraphs and a conclusion. 


Your introduction paragraph should include the two topics that you plan on comparing. Similarly to other essay types, start the introduction with a hook to attract the reader’s attention before providing the necessary background information. Don’t forget to include your thesis statement at the end of your introduction paragraph. Your thesis can list how you expect to compare your topics, but it can also simply highlight the fact that they are different or similar. Either way, the thesis statement should indicate the writer’s position and should contain the following:

  • The subjects being compared or contrasted
  • How their relationship is similar, different, or both
  • The reason for comparing the topics

For example: 

  • The way students are educated in public schools and at home is quite different in terms of the curriculum, quality of teaching and social interactions with peers.

Here, it is clear that the two subjects that are going to be contrasted are public schools and home schools. Their relationship is different, so the essay will need to describe their differences. The reason for comparing the two is “How students are educated”, which is also the stated thesis statement. Finally, the points that are going to be discussed in the body paragraphs are the different curriculums, the quality of teaching and how students interact with other.

Let’s have a look at some example thesis statements. Keep your attention on the phrases used in the sentences as they might be useful for writing a comparison thesis: 

  • Laptops and tablets are both portable, but their programs, hardware and operating systems are all different.
  • Even though they seem similar, Cambodian and Vietnamese food are very different.
  • Buying your first car and buying your first house may seem quite different at first, but they are both significant milestones that open up new freedoms and responsibilities.

Now that we talked about the introduction, let’s discuss the body paragraphs of point-by-point structure. Because the essay topic deals with two different learning situations, you will need to compare and contrast each by listing their similarities and differences. In this case your introduction and body paragraphs will take the following form: 



  • Hook
  • Background information 
  • Thesis statement: How students are educated in traditional classes and online classes is quite different in terms of the convenience, student suitability and the quality of instruction.


Body paragraph 1: Convenience

  • Traditional classes
      • Go to school every day -> paying a transportation fee and can make students tired
      • Inflexible scheduling means you may have to put off appointments.
  • Online classes
    • Save valuable time, money and energy
    • Take a course from the comfort of their office or home

Body paragraph 2: Interactions 

  • Traditional classes
      • Books and classroom notes are very useful for studying and passing exams
      • Able to share their views with the teacher in person and getting their questions answered right away
  • Online classes
    • Reduce the amount of books one has to read
    • Offer alternatives to live query resolution like online forums, emails and chatrooms.  These options can extend the necessary time needed to get  answers.
  • Body paragraph 3: Learners  
  • Traditional classes
  • In-person classes are more suitable for young children, teenagers and young adults who are yet to join the workforce
  • Online classes
    • Employees who need professional level courses to increase their qualifications and enhance their career opportunities in their jobs


  • Restated thesis statement
  • Summary of the comparison: traditional classes, online classes
  • Final thoughts 

As I mentioned earlier, the body paragraphs using the point-by-point structure are focused on comparing and contrasting the two subjects. In the first body paragraph, traditional classrooms and studying online are compared in regards to conveniences. Notice how each body paragraph follows the order of our points as they are listed in the thesis statement. Doing this will give a nice flow and order to your essay.

Explore Further

Looking for more examples? Read all about writing compare and contrast essays on the Scribe website.