Lesson 3: Process Essay Structure

Estimated Time: 35 minutes

Lesson Objective: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to construct a process essay​

Structure of the Process Essay

The organization of a process essay typically follows a chronological order. The steps of the process are conveyed in the order in which they occur and the body paragraphs will be constructed based on these steps. 


The introduction should explain the process you are going to describe and tell the reader why this process is important. Try to avoid any unnecessary details and useless information. For instance, if you are writing a recipe for pasta bolognese, just tell your reader how to make the dish without explaining it’s health benefits. Always try to be focused and direct in your writing.

Thesis statement

We already know that the thesis statement provides the focus of your essay , illustrates your general purpose and indicates the type of essay you are writing. The best thesis statement for the process essay is a single sentence at the end of the introductory paragraph. A strong thesis statement includes the essay’s specific supporting ideas and gives a preview of the concepts in the order they will appear in the essay. Sometimes termed an essay map, this preview typically gives a list using terms that connect to the thesis statement to the body details. For instance, a process paper about writing an essay might read, “Effective essay writing requires planning, developing and attending to detail.” The reader knows from this list that the paper will cover each of these stages in the given order. 

There are several words or phrases that can be used in a thesis statement that indicate it is a process essay. Take a look at the following examples and be sure to include similar phrases  in your own thesis statement.  

Process of …

The procedure of (for) …

The development of …

The evolution of …

Stages of …

Steps in …

Phases in (of) …

…(in the) course of …

Growth of …

Thesis examples: 

It is easy to iron a shirt if you follow these steps. 

It is not difficult to speak in public if you follow these basic principles. 

Baking a pie is simple when you have the right ingredients. 

Building a bookcase is easy when you have the proper tools and materials. 


After the introduction, you will have to describe the process in the body paragraph. There is no need to provide arguments or supporting facts. Instead, just focus on the process and each of its stages. The amount of body paragraphs varies and will depend on the amount of process stages you are describing. Each step or stage should have a specific purpose that the reader needs to understand. It can be helpful to outline the entire process to ensure that all the stages are presented in a logical, sequential order. Be sure to present each step in the topic sentence of its body paragraph.

Example: The first step in overcoming infant temper tantrums is to understand why the child is misbehaving. 

Let’s look at the structure of an outline:

In the topic sentence of the first body paragraph you have to present the first step of the process. Then in the supporting details you present the details of this step by following the sequence of actions. In the closing remarks you can explain the function of this step. You will follow the same structure in any subsequent body paragraphs, presenting steps and adding supporting details. 

 Outline of a body paragraph

Body Paragraph 1

  1. Topic sentence: present the first step.
  2. Supporting details: Present the details of this first step, following the sequence of action.
  3. Closing Remarks: explain the function of this first step.

Body Paragraph 2

  1. Topic sentence: present the second step.
  2. Supporting details: Present the details of this second step, following the sequence of action.
  3. Closing Remarks: explain the function of this second step.

Body Paragraph 3

  1. Topic sentence: present the third step.
  2. Supporting details: Present the details of this third step, following the sequence of action.
  3. Closing Remarks: explain the function of this third step.


The last paragraph, or conclusion, often looks similar to the introduction. It will remind the reader of both the problem and the solution or solutions. The concluding paragraph often includes the results of the process and should strengthen the importance of the procedures. This section may also include any related or helpful resources that your readers can refer to.

Pro Tip!

Always have someone else read your process essay to make sure it makes sense. It can be difficult to determine how clearly an idea is coming across without having someone else read it. Doing so is a great way to catch anything in your essay that might be confusing.